Sorry to read your situation. Your profile is interesting, a mixture of inspiration and doubt with a surgery in 2004 and radiotherapy in 2008 and now 80 years old. There is no mention of hormone treatment but he's likely to have had some.
I have no experience of being given information brutally but suggest that you contact the hospital to talk to someone about how the interview is managed and have it put in his notes. It's not easy to know how such news is conveyed and I always approach it ready for the worst but hoping for something better.
If you know it's come back and suspect it's spread then you know to expect hormone treatment which could be quite long lasting, we all respond differently. I guess the message the doctor should emphasise is the potential future treatment which can include pointing at Mets. That is if it has come back as much as you fear.
I hope that's worthy of some thought.
All the best, Peter