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Have your say on the Government's 10-Year Cancer Plan

Posted 05 Apr 2022 at 10:29

The 10-year cancer plan call for evidence deadline has been extended  to Friday 8th April. The Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) want to give more time to ensure as many people as possible share their experiences and views.

We know that cancer doesn't affect everyone equally, and it is crucial that men of all ages and backgrounds respond to this call for evidence, and the DHSC are particularly keen to hear from Black African and Caribbean men.

We need your help to ensure that everyone’s views are heard – as a patient, a friend or family member affected by prostate cancer.

You can share your experience by answering a few questions using the link below:


You can also submit using the DHSC’s easy read version – see information on link below for instructions how to send your response by either email or post:


Alternatively, you can email your experience direct to:


You don’t have to answer all questions and you don’t have to have in-depth knowledge of the health system. All you need to do is share your experience - what went well, what could have been better.

Your experience could fall under any of the following subject areas, but please feel free to share what’s important to you during your cancer care:

  • Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Achieving and earlier and faster diagnosis
  • Reducing inequalities in cancer services
  • Receiving personalised care
  • The NHS workforce
  • Access to technology to support you during your cancer care

Thank you.


Edited by member 05 Apr 2022 at 14:56  | Reason: minor change to title and included email submission option

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