Sorry you find yourself on this path which can be a very anxious time because it's all new and you don't know how it's going to pan out.
You will have been referred to urology on what's called a 2 week wait (max) referral path, which is used for suspected cancer. In truth, this level of speed isn't needed for prostate cancer and in the current COVID situation is often not quite met, but it is necessary for some other cancers and it's a universal process.
Some urology departments run a one-stop-shop where you come in for a day, and they try to do most of the procedures. Sometimes, they do an MRI scan before the one-stop-shop. So you might either get an invite for an MRI scan or an invite to a urology one-stop-shop (which would probably start with an MRI scan).
Based on the MRI scan, PSA level, and a DRE, they'll decide what needs checking next, or advise that you don't have prostate cancer.
Wishing you all the best, and do come back with any questions, and there are no silly questions, so ask whatever springs into your mind.