I had a trans perineal biopsy yesterday. Under a local.
Arrived at 13:35, called at 14:00, out and waiting for wife to pick me up at 15:00.
Very sore on the drive home, but paracetamol worked fine. Pee'ing OK, no blood in urine, minimal bleeding from the perinium. The actual aneasthetic injections were the most painful part, I had 4, 2 into the skin, 2 into the prostate. The actual taking of the cores was basically painfree.
All OK today, slight discomfort, but still pee'ing well, rather tired.
My PSA was 5.3, then 15. MRI shows suspicious area on left peripheral zone.
They took 7 cores from the left, 5 from the right.
Done at Royal Berks, Reading.
Edited by member 07 May 2022 at 17:04
| Reason: Location added.