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Impact on work during hormone treatment.

Posted 28 Apr 2022 at 09:49

Morning all,

I have just been diagnosed with PC and my recommended treatment is hormone treatment for 3 months and then 20 sessions of radiotherapy. 

my concern is that I work for myself and just about to start a new contract overseas.  
I am unclear what the day to day impact of the hormone treatment will have on my ability to work (not physical work) 

I would be interested in understanding others experiences. 

much appreciated. 

Posted 28 Apr 2022 at 14:42

Been on hormone therapy for 13 months and just started having minor niggles should have no problems with 3 months you are lucky normally 2/3 years on hormone therapy 👍

Edited by member 28 Apr 2022 at 14:42  | Reason: Spelling error

Posted 28 Apr 2022 at 16:52
If your HT is only going to go on for three months you're unlikely to have any significant issues. Are you sure that it is going to stop after three months, though? Normally you have 3 or 6 months prior to RT and another year or 18 months after.

Best wishes,


Posted 28 Apr 2022 at 17:09
Continuing with hormone therapy after radiotherapy has ended is not always necessary. I didn't have to - just 7 months (as it turned out) of h/t then 20 sessions of r/t.

Posted 28 Apr 2022 at 20:12

Exactly the same for me no HT  after 20 fractions , when I visited my doctor( several months later )  he was shocked I wasn’t on HT , but the oncologist told me no need to , that was feb2019 my psa check last week is 0.19 . Am I right in saying psa readings are more reliable after treatment ? Than before ? 

Posted 28 Apr 2022 at 22:07
My PSA is undetectable (<0.03) after a year with HT and RT of 6*6 last October. But my oncologist says I must stop on HT. Side effects are as others - fatigue, libido but to be honest I rarely think about the cancer and will only get concerned should the PSA start to rise. I am lucky in that I do as much work as I want from home and average about 50 hours a month. Now planning my summer vacation and also attending a meeting in Spain end June. After a life time of travel and residence overseas I have no interest in long distances, happy at home with my dog and seeing my daughters as ofter as possible while letting them get on with their own lives
Posted 28 Apr 2022 at 23:03

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Exactly the same for me no HT  after 20 fractions , when I visited my doctor( several months later )  he was shocked I wasn’t on HT , but the oncologist told me no need to , that was feb2019 my psa check last week is 0.19 . Am I right in saying psa readings are more reliable after treatment ? Than before ? 

Well the way I look at it is like this.  Before treatment your PSA would have been increasing, steadily but maybe with  some small jumps as your cancer progressed over time.  The HT you had would have pulled this down quickly and then your RT further helped lower it.  The RT would have continued to work for 18-24 months but as you had no more HT after RT, it would have increasingly had less affect on your PSA and none by now.  So you should  have a better idea of where you are.  If the RT has done its job it should stay low.  This being the case, PSA may go up and down slightly but should not jump up and jump again without falling back and changes should be moderate and not increasing overall.  So you could say PSA is a better indicator for you now.  

Edited by member 28 Apr 2022 at 23:05  | Reason: spelling

Posted 29 Apr 2022 at 16:32
I was told by oncologist , my psa will rise gradually in small amounts but if spikes that is cause for concern ? Also the magic number of 2was mentioned
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