Follow on from previous posting. Saw oncologist yesterday. PSA up to 2400 and something (the last two digits hardly matter now) which suggests a doubling rate of about 5½ weeks. Big numbers I'm used to, and the doubling rate is nothing new either. Was given chance to see the bone and CT scan images. Tumor on right rib has dissapeared, but more tumors have appeared in pelvic bones - quite literally all over. One in particular is larger than the others and pressing against nerves, sending pain down my right leg and up into my back. Chance of radiotherapy and radium 223 - yet to see Doctor who might authorise this. Some chance of joining a trail, but Lutetium still "in the commissioning process" which could take 6-12 months. Long sigh...
This may not be a fair to say, but I'll say it anyway. Commented to oncologist - what's the point of all the effort, money and resources going into finding treatment and even cures for cancer if, when treatments are developed they are not available to the majority of the population? Blunt and honest response was that companies have to make lots of money. And we're powerless to do anything about it.
Big pharma showing its' true colours. When my time is up - possibly later this year, but about 3 or so months earlier than it could be, I doubt I'll be leaving anything to Cancer research. Again, this might not be a fair thing to say, but it sums up how I feel about the situation at the moment.
Although I've been through lots of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and have been on hormone treatment for 3½ years I'm in good health (not half-dead as mentioned in another posting in this thread). The numerous side effects of the treatments I've had have all been quite manageable. I have no other health conditions, and am fit and active.
Lutetium would give me 3, quite possibly more extra months of good quality life. It's 6 injections. It's available in other countries for a fraction of the cost here. If I had £40,000+ I'd be OK, but I don't. What's a guy to do?