Hi Reb,
As Dave has said, we all know how agonising this wait is and I think regardless of what is said you will still all feel better when you know what is going on and have a plan in place.
When my husband got the call to book him in for a bone scan even before we had any MRI results our world just fell apart and we just thought the absolute worst was coming.
When we got the final diagnosis we were told it had spread to his pelvic bone and to atleast 1 lymph node. Even with this news (it was better than where my mind took me) we felt we could move forward and get a plan for treatment. We ended up getting a second opinion which disputed the bone mets but still in lymph nodes. He has since had his prostate removed and 14 lymph nodes and is doing really well.
So as difficult as it is try not to worry too much and hopefully things will be much better than what you are thinking. So much that can be done these days and new treatments becoming available all of the time.
Keep us posted, best of luck for the appointment