Thank You everyone for your kind advice
To update, presently I am under the care of a Private Urologist through my BUPA insurance and he advised me the MRI and hopefully will get a full diagnosis including Biopsy, bone scan and others through him as my NHS consultants put me on a 4-week antibiotics course which is ending by end of this month. He asked me to have the PSA test afterwards and if the number of the PSA test is increased then he will order the MRI as he thinks that my increased PSA is due to prostatitis which needs a long term antibiotic treatment to cure and not a standard 7 or 10 days course. So I am presently under both NHS and private urologist.
Moving forward I am thinking of having the following plan
1) Complete full antibiotics course as advised by NHS urologist
2) Afterwards, have a Urine Culture test to check if the bacterial bugs and prostatitis is clear or not
3) Get the Seamen culture test to check for any bacterial as if the prostate function is to produce the seamen fluid so the culture test will definitely confirm if there are any bugs or not
4) If all above bacterial UTI and Prostaritis test is cleared then wait for 4 weeks to test for PSA to check if the number is increased or decreased. If increased PSA is due to prostatitis then PSA number should definitely decreased.
5) I also want to wait for a Biopsy thinking prostatitis inflammation may have some effect on the grey area of the MRI cell and they might cure on its own before I carried out MRI and Ultrasound fusion Biopsey privately with my insurance.
After completion of Antibiotics and negative Urine Culture, I should not wait to see the PSA number and go straight to Biopsy to save time and complete the diagnosis without wasting further time please
I am very stressed and disturbed seeing my MRI Scan as I am 56 years old single and live by myself so this MRI PC result is just killed my peace.
I request all of you to help, advise and amend my plan of action if I am missing some puzzle in the game ..