Just an update ,my Profile explains my situation without going into again here .Just had my last PSA test <0.01 undetectable for 22 months now after RP, Salvage RT and Enzalutimde which I'm still taking and my consultant is happy to let me continue taking for as long as possible. All the current info re Enzalutimide is showing remarkable results, in my case it was given as first line treatment instead of chemo due to COVID I remain hormone sensitive .
Because the 'mothership' (my Prostate ) has been removed the cancer cells cannot get their reproduction 'instructions' from it .There is a trial underway at the moment to see if removal of the prostate in cases of advanced prostate cancer is beneficial as normally once the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes they would only treat with Hormone therapy and possibly RT
Enzalutimide for some men is a miracle drug and has been very successful when given as first line treatment with Salvage RT .I have had three scans this year all clear which is wonderful news and I remain in remission .So to anyone out there thinking about taking Enzalutimide in these circumstances I would say from my current experience it has worked extremely well .