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pain when peeing still

Posted 09 Jun 2022 at 15:56

Hi all I have localised prostate cancer diagnosed in sept 2020, still under going hormone therapy and had Radiotherapy for 4 weeks in feb 2021. my issue is when i pass urine i still get a pain when starting and finishing, even more so after i empty my bowels my psa is 0.02 and doctor seems happy but has not clarified why i still get the pain anyone got any ideas?

Posted 09 Jun 2022 at 17:18

Could be residual damage to your bladder caused by the radio therapy. This can show itself months, even years after treatment. You could ask for further investigation, which might involve an MRI and cytoscopy.


Posted 09 Jun 2022 at 21:33

It's probably radiation cystitis, where the radiation has burned the urethra or bladder lining. Things like this can take a few months to go. They would not normally investigate unless it's still there 3 months after RT, which is why a 12 week followup is normal.

One thing you might want to check is if you have any urinary infection, which your GP nurse could easily check with a dip test in a urine sample. Drinking cranberry juice can reduce the chance of a urinary infection because it coats the bladder and urethra with a chemical which prevents bacteria sticking. Ideally use a low sugar cranberry juice as it otherwise has a lot of sugar in it. I tended to dilute it 1:3 anyway, to make sure I was drinking a lot of water, which is also important at this stage - you want plenty of dilute urine to keep bladder and urethra well flushed through.

Posted 10 Jun 2022 at 22:22
My pain started about six months after finishing RT. I tolerated until I started peeing blood then raised it with the onco, Was sent for cystoscopy which identified stricture just below the prostate. Was dilated and no sign of radiation cystitis. Pain and blood put down to stricture. Sadly pain got significantly worse after dilation. Suffered agony for six weeks then went really hardcore on cranberry juice. Nothing fancy, just Ocean Spray. Pain cleared up quickly and I've been pain free for nearly a year now. I just keep drinking a big glass of the cranberry every day. May not have been that but I'm not taking any chances!
Posted 11 Jun 2022 at 05:08

Yes, I used the low sugar Ocean Spray cranberry juice during my RT and for about a year afterwards.

Side effects which start 3 months or more after the RT are called late-onset side effects. In my case, that was rectal bleeding, but minor and painless, so no impact on quality of life, although they do have to check it's not bowel cancer (and confirmed it was radiation proctitis).

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