Hi Elaine
Thank you for your reply to me. It helps!
Last 2 PSA tests were 3.8 then a repeat a few weeks later which was 3.3
The physical examination said 'not enlarged, but small, slightly nodular especially on the right lobe.'
The MRI result found prostate volume 24mls, PSA density 0.16 and PIRADS 4 in the peripheral zone
Biopsy result - Gleason 6, Group 1 low and then T3a and then N zero (T3a as it has broken through as I understand it).
Had a bone scan today and awaiting a result
I am 63. It's in the family my late father had prostate cancer and my little brother, (60! lol) has currently got it and being treated.
Would love to hear what this all means and what thoughts there are on treatment options.
Thank you.
Edited by member 13 Jun 2022 at 16:54
| Reason: Not specified