Hi and Welcome to the club,
I understand from my experiences that it is a big shock when you are told you have prostate cancer and it is difficult to take it all in.
Try to read up on it as much as you can and check out all the options and side affects ,but of course listen to the specialists and ask to speak to the surgeon if possible on all the options.
I had PSA 2.19 Gleason 3+4=7 and was offered robotic removal by the first surgeon at my local hospital but was lucky to also speak to a Brachytherpy surgeon and he felt that with my numbers Brachytherpy was also a good option. I looked at all the options and decided to take the Brachytherapy route as i felt there where less possible side affects.
I had my Brachytherpy at Mount Vernon hospital and not my local Hospital.I am coming up to six years from my Brachytherpy with PSA @ 0.05 . If you click one my Avatar you can see my Journey so far.
There are no guarantees on any of the procedures . I have been very lucky with my progress so far with no great side affects apart from ED but at 76 years old i think that is normal maybe but still get Viagra on prescription.
Good luck John.