It was a wonderful occasion with some really big names from Jules Holland's extensive coterie of friends. I finally managed to get some lapel badges too!
I've been running every morning since 6-weeks post-op and am gradually getting back into shape. I have to watch what I eat in any case because I am a type-2 diabetic, but am also convinced that the fitter you can get, the more likely you are to make a steady recovery from major surgery. For someone who had never spent a night in hospital before this diagnosis, the past six months have been an eye-opener. All in all a positive trajectory since the operation, though I would really like to top it off with going below 0.01 and have PSA as undetectable. Otherwise a nagging doubt will persist. Perhaps that is the most pernicious effect of cancer, in the end.
Good luck with your next steps, Eric59. It sounds like you have access to the infomation you need and have had time to consider your strategy. I have tried at all stages to focus on what it in front of me and that has helped me cope with a seismic change to my life.