Just joined the group and looking for a spot of advice as I’m not sure what to do.
I’ve been under a Consultant now for over three years. I first went to my GP due to frequent night time urination and some urinary urgency. Cut a long story short I had what I think was a random biopsy reasonably quickly which came back negative. Then had an MRI which showed a possible suspicious area. Then had a targeted biopsy which came back clear. PSA over the last three years has been between 4 and 7, never less. Put on medication for an overactive bladder which has had some impact on the urgency but on nothing else. On a bad night I can be up five or six times. Had my latest phone call with my consultant this morning and my PSA has risen from a low 4 to a mid 5. Told him I was still concerned and should I have some more tests? His reaction was that unless my PSA goes up to 7 again there is no need. I have lost some weight recently and been feeling more tired than usual. I told him this and he said I should book in with my GP (which I have done) and have some blood tests as the cause could be potentially many different things.
Any thoughts/advice would be most welcome.
Many thanks in advance…