Hi Colin
Please be assured that you will be fine. You will have a consultation 6 to 8 weeks after the RALP where you be told what the biopsy result is and whether they believe they got it all out
About a week before that you will have had a PSA test and they will discuss that result at that meeting too. That will all give you some piece of mind hopefully.
As for the Op, you know nothing about it once you get to the anethetist. You'll wake up in recovery and after a couple of hours go to a ward overnight. All being well you will be sent home next day with a pack of blood thinning injections to self administrator and a catheter stuck up your bellend. It sounds worse than it is in practice. Just keep clean and buy a bucket for the drainage and to hold the night bag
I had my RALP in Stoke on 12th July. Went back to work from home on the 19th (I'm an IT Delivery Manager so not physically hard). Catheter was removed 27th July. Three weeks later I have been dry during the day for over a week and now just wear a Tena shield at night but so far it's not been needed.
The external wounds are almost fully healed and I assume I'm progressing internally too. I get an ache in my perineum when I've walked for over 30 mins or if I'm tired. I've read up about it and it won't be painful forever.
Please don't worry. Every NHS staff member has been a complete professional in my experience. You will suffer some discomfort and fatigue but I doubt you will hit real pain. What pain you do have will be controlled by Paracetamol or Ibuprofen and Codeine.
Wish you well
Edited by member 18 Aug 2022 at 12:28
| Reason: Not specified