Update - 42 months on
I was Gleason 3 +4 with a pre op PSA of 4.6. RARP in December 18 aged 56. Cancer was organ confined, 8 lymph nodes were removed and were all clear. There was no sign of perineural invasion. 42 months on, PSA is stable at less than 0.03. I would put my continence at 99%. I drink a moderate amount of alcohol (same as pre op) without any problems. I only tend to leak the odd drop when I am very tired following being called out overnight during the course of my employment. On the ED side, despite only nerves spared on one side, I can function without the usual tablets, but not to my pre op levels. I have recently been diagnosed with mild hypertension and the medication for that has been known to cause ED, so I may ultimately need to resort to viagra etc in any event. The Dr also added that I am now , statistically, more likely to die from a cardio vascular incident than I am prostate cancer. I suppose we all die of something!
I hope this update provides some encouragement for those who have been recently diagnosed. As ever best wishes and good luck to all who assisted me in the dark days following my diagnosis.