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incontinence after Brachitherapy

Posted 24 Aug 2022 at 11:03

I hade Brachitherapy in November 2020 and have some incontinence issues. I had Over Active bladder before treatment and I am taking Betmiga Tablets. I seem to dribble most of the day and have to rush to the loo when I stand up. I use Tena Pants but would like to be dry. I have improved a lot over the last year. Has anyone else had the same problems I am due to see a urologist next year he is pleased with my progress but I wish it was a bit quicker. I used to have a lot of pain when urinating but that has stopped so has a lot of the urgency. I am also taking Tadafil tablets which are helping with ED. If I do not wear the pants I have a wet patch most of the time. My PSA has gone down to .2. Otherwise everything else is OK . I am please that I had the treatment. I think for me it was a better option that waiting to see if it got worse. Thank you for any help or encouragement


Posted 24 Aug 2022 at 20:16

Hi Invicta, like you i had HDR beachy, without any continence problems. Are you doing pelvic floor exercises? I can't think of anything else to help. BTW good to hear PSA is nice and low.


Posted 24 Aug 2022 at 22:51
Never mind waiting to see the urologist - ask your GP to refer you to the incontinence clinic or incontinence nurse without delay. This has gone on long enough and you need a proper assessment. Ideally, you will have tests to see how much you can hold, the force of your flow, etc. You may just need something simple like bladder retraining. You will be checked to see whether you are doing your pelvic floor exercises correctly, and they will be able to refer you to a specialist physiotherapist if necessary. In many areas of the country, you will be entitled to pads on the NHS as you have been incontinent for more than 6 months.

Are you dry at night?

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 25 Aug 2022 at 06:05

Hi Invictor,

I had brachytherapy back in September 2016 and apart from urgency to go and of course the many trips in the night it did take a long time before the urgency eased. I think i have been very lucky and made no change to my food or drink habits over all but since covid lockdown that affected our movements increase in weight is a problem and of course ED has not got any better.I think it may help to get more advise from your doctor But that side is getting more difficult because of the surgery lockdowns.

I am coming up to 6 years since brachytherapy and may have been one of the the lucky ones that caught it early, but tomorrows yearly blood test could change all that.

regards John.

Posted 31 Aug 2022 at 11:53

Thank you for all your help. I am mostley dry at night just a bit damp sometimes. I get free pants as I was given them by the continence service and can re order them. I do pelvic floor excersises and try to avoid caffine.


My condition is gradually improving. I have had a lot of help from the Radiation Cystitus clinic at Guys hospital in London. I have had lots of tests my bladder holds about 300ml. I am much better than a year ago no pian any more when peeing only pain from an old hernia repair which i am hoping will settle down again.


Thanks again

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