Thanks Lynn, sorry, I thought the BRCA was a type of genetic issue. I am worried the consultant may be mistaken as he also tried to get dad on this trial back at the start of the year but he hadn't had cabazitaxel then so wasn't actually eligible and the prostate sample that was previously taken was too old to use to test for BRCA. Fingers crossed there is still something.
Dad hasn't been referred to macmillan, the conversation hasn't really been had. The consultant has said things like this is very aggressive and be prepared mentally but end of life hasn't been discussed. I feel dad's progression is very similar to Highland Lass' husband so I expect that conversation may come soon.
Due to weight loss and some new pain in back (it had been in hips/ pelvis), a CT scan gas been arranged to check for spread. If it has spread then he won't be eligible for the trial or Radum 223 if I understand correctly?
Hasn't worked since diagnosis, it was the pain that made him go to gp thinking it was arthritis. He does still have many good days though so we need to be grateful for that.
Thank you so much for your reply and information x