Hi, I am posting here for the first time so please take time to read and offer any suggestions.
Dad is 69 years old. He has had problem urinating for past 6 to 12 months. He was not aware of enlarged prostate until a cardiologist did routine PSA test and result was 33.2. He was referred to Urologist. An ultrasound report has suggested Moderatly Enlarged Prostate and a stone in the right kidney.
He has number of issues but does not complain.
1- has had heart attack back in 2009 and a stent
2- Diabetic
3- has had arm surgery and metal object in his arm due to which Dr thinks MRI could not be done.
A DRE was done and doctor says he did not get any nasty feeling don't know what this means and suggested for a TURP guided biopsy.
Any suggestions would be highly appreciated. Unfortunately he lives on his own in Pakistan and is quite scared as to what happens next.