Good afternoon to you all, I recently had my prostate removed, on 25th August after a very quick diagnosis, MRI, and biopsy and after just two weeks I was on the operating table for 7 hours.
well I’m home now, but suffering the incontinance which I was informed of but had no idea of how it would be in reality. I had a caffita in for 3 weeks, and suffered the leaks which I was not prepared for.
I am suffering from incontinance at night, no control, getting through 4 large pads which my wife obtained from AgeUK. I can get about 2 hours sleep before getting up and placing a new pad on. During the day however I seem to be able sort of control myself. While sat all is ok, but as soon as I stand it starts, just a small amount into a pad before I climb the stairs to the toilet where I seem to be able to control the flow and pee as normal.
so really just need some folks to let me know, roughly how long before I may be dry at night?