I would just like to let people know that over two years ago my Husband was diagnosed with Prostrate Cancer and we were told it was an aggresive type and he was high on the Gleason scale.
As everyone on here will know there are endless appointments, scans, biopsies, examinations in order to treat it, it all seemed more difficult due to the pandemic and at times I had to sit on car parks for hours as I wasn't allowed into the hospital when all I wanted to do was sit and hold his hand. I was determined though to travel to each appointment with him to keep him company and just be there for moral support. At times I was allowed in especially at Preston where he had his radiotherapy as long as we tested for Covid, no problem to us of course we were more than happy to comply with that request.
Due to my Husband having always having a very low PSA reading right from day one of this journey, after his radiotherapy ended he was put on six monthly reviews and then also yearly CT scans and Bone scans which have been done.
Today he had his six monthly review and results of both scans and we have been told there is no sign of any cancer anywhere. He will have to carry on with the reviews and scans but we are still pinching ourselves at this wonderful news we received today.
I just wanted to post tonight as I want people going through this awful journey to have hope and know that treatments can and do work.
Bless you all and hope you are well soon.