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Got the all clear after surgery

Posted 05 Nov 2022 at 10:13

I got some obviously good news a cupple of weeks ago from my consultant my PSA is now 0.05 and he said I was cancer free. I was strangely emotionless when hearing this news I can only think as iam leaking slightly and can't get an erection I still don't feel myself. I am naturally a very impatient person being ex military and for me things have to happen now not a year down the line. My wife is very supportive and tells me to wait and I should not expect anything yet, I know this, but its getting me down. I have a physical job so still off work as my consultant said lifting is still a no no as I could give myself a hernia. Iam worried it might not ever work again and at 52 it's quite depressing, I know I should be grateful as I am not dead I get that. I see the urology depth fir my pump in 2 weeks. 

Posted 05 Nov 2022 at 15:05

Great news Greg, waiting for my results on the 28th Nov, hoping for the all clear aswell 👍 

Posted 05 Nov 2022 at 16:12

Greg same age as you and at the same point in this journey. Not had the pathology meeting but my PSA <0.04 

With our PSA levels this low, then for now at least, things are looking good and our choice of treatment has been vindicated by the results. Long may it continue.

No incontinence.

ED, yep no meaningful erections yet occasional stirrings and occasional rush of blood. Been using a pump daily since the catheter came out, training purposes only. 

Your wife sounds like mine. Good luck with your on going recovery.


Edited by member 08 Nov 2022 at 10:25  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 08 Nov 2022 at 09:35

I hope you get good news glad you are are on the road to recovery. Let me know how it goes. Greg

Posted 08 Nov 2022 at 09:39

Thanks for the reply, I haven't had the pump issued yet I get it next week so we shall see what happens. My consultant has advised me to stay off work till after Xmas as to make sure I don't give myself a hernia lifting to soon. Has work been affected for you ?. I am just very impatient about ED  and worried it won't work again, finding that the hardest thing to deal with. Anyway keep in touch cheers Greg 

Posted 08 Nov 2022 at 10:28

I am office based so was back at work after 4 weeks. But yes if I had more of a manual job would have been given more t in me off.

Posted 08 Nov 2022 at 12:34

Hi Greg, great news on your PSA result….long may that continue. Have you been prescribed any tadalafil or sidenafil yet? There are also injections you can have in the future if your ED doesn’t get any better, and of course you have the pump coming soon. I would say to try not to put too much pressure on yourself though as that can sometimes cause ED or certainly make it worse.

My husband is now 10 months post RARP. The only thing he has used occasionally is the pump, he hasn’t had any medication as I was worried about some heart palps he was having. He had 50% nerve sparing so we kind of accepted he might not ever get an erection again. Have been pleasantly surprised recently though that even without much rehabilitation he has had some meaningful erections. (He is much older than you aswell) He has used the durex ring as recommended by a few on here too, which helps to keep the erection for longer. Of course it’s far from perfect or normal but going in the right direction.  

I’m similar to your wife, no pressure at all. I’m so grateful he’s here and feeling well. 

Still really early days for you, things will improve I’m sure. Best of luck 




Posted 08 Nov 2022 at 12:52

A supportive wife is a valuable thing.  Things do take time but regular working on getting things working, without over doing it,  is a good plan.  All the best Peter.

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