Finally got to the post operative review today.
Despite being T2a N0 Mx with no external extrusions, it turns out that the pathology showed up a 3mm positive margin.
The surgeon said we was very surprised to see this and went on to make a number of points which I am sure are well versed...
One thing he did say was that it's possible the prostate was 'nicked' which exposed the cancer on removal. The pathologist then will see this as being on the surface with the inevitable 'positive' report. He went on to say that some times the surgeons will sew these up.
Read Lynn's excellent explanation of PM in a previous post but did not note the above. I did find an article which did mention false positives caused by handling.
Clearly feeling a bit jittery today and I guess very disappointed.
Edited by member 02 Dec 2022 at 17:45
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