Hi Chris.
Thanks for your reply. Yes I had brachytherapy in 2015 and Salvage RALP inc. rhs iliac lymph nodes in December last year. Alas some cancer remains but fortunately only in the prostate bed.
I see your SABR treatment was to a lymph node. Had the lymph node been previously irradiated or was your radiation treatment just to the prostate?
The reason I’m asking is because, at this stage, I’m told SABR is unsuitable as the prostate bed has already been dosed with radiation (hemi ablative brachytherapy). However, I’m aware of someone who is almost in exactly the same situation as me (and is being treated at the same hospital under a different consultant) but has been told they can have SABR.
The hospital, of course, won’t comment on another patients treatment but from my point of view I would be interested in what the difference between me and the other patient is. Both myself and the other patient aren’t aware of a difference except that the other patient had full dose brachytherapy to the whole gland (in other words had a higher dose of radiation than me). In my case I’m told SABR would make me totally incontinent, make bowel problems worse and would mean I couldn’t have an AUS. HT is the recommendation.
Edited by member 10 Dec 2022 at 15:34
| Reason: Not specified