It’s been a while since I updated my journey thread so thought it would be a good time to do so.
those of you following my weight loss challenge will know I’ve lost 4kg I’m 4 weeks and I’m now now sub 100kg for the first time I’m more than a year! Still a long way to go but I’m quite pleased really sitting here with my gin and tonic😊 What’s even more pleasing is the steady reduction in body and visceral fat.
The other big change is my level of randiness. All of a sudden my hormones are raging and I feel like a (teenage?) man again. I now don’t prefer having a cup of coffee to the idea of having sex. It’s weird feeling like this again but nice. The idea of Penetrative sex no longer repulses me although I'm not managing to get strong enough erections to manage it, even using the pump. i think I need to explore other positions which might work for us both. I’m getting very strong (dry) orgasms though with my wife using the male masturbator on me…this has been a great investment, it’s got such a lovely feeling even more so when it’s cool…and it’s been pretty cool here in Scotland recently. I’m also wondering whether injections might give me stronger erections so need to make an appointment with the ED nurse for a trial.
Generally I feel great, still having issues with my right hip but I think there’s an underlying problem there such bursitis so I will need to try and find a solution to it. My joint ache is continuing to get better as are my hot flushes.
I’m becoming more active again, yesterday I was away in the forests around Aberfoyle on my ebike…really enjoyed that, and the weathers to be quite good this week so will be out and about as much as possible.
My next PSA/Testosterone test is start if April so it will be interesting to see what my testosterone level is then…but of course that then brings on the worry about my PSA rising. It doesn’t stop me from having fun but it’s always there….as we were saying at Maggies on Friday, it’s like a maggot on the side of your head nibbling away!! Anyway booked another cruise for late September and back out to Fuerteventura for the second half of March. just going to do follow Chris Hoys ‘Do it Now’ advice for as long as I can.
again, good luck to everyone on their journeys…there’s always hope😊