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My Journey through HT and RT

Posted 24 Mar 2024 at 21:28

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Good for you, don't know you?, but have read a lot of your post.

Glad this long and arduous road for you has finally concluded.

Me, mine is just beginning, told I have contained PSC ?, offered Radio or Surg, still not sure?. Starting the long road of HT tomorrow, oh Dear not looking forward to that as I feel fine, of what I have heard its not good, my son in law is after my van, told him I,m not dead yet, haha. A journey ends and another begins I guess, all the best  to you .

Thanks for that Robin and good luck on your journey. The HT has certainly been a bit of an ordeal for me but I’m still here and many men get through it without any problem. I have no idea why but I would really like to know🤷🏼‍♂️
I’m still determined to get through the last 3 months and this has given me the inspiration I needed…I just want to feel ‘the urge’ again, with a set of legs to enable me carry on with my life!

Posted 25 Mar 2024 at 00:19

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Me, mine is just beginning, told I have contained PSC ?, offered Radio or Surg, still not sure?. Starting the long road of HT tomorrow, oh Dear not looking forward to that as I feel fine, of what I have heard its not good

Robin, if you decide to have surgery, you won't stay on the hormone treatment so it won't be the long road you are imagining. 

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 01 Apr 2024 at 16:01

GP appointment today about my hip issues. Not my normal GP but it IS Easter Monday. Anyway she was very thorough and has diagnosed me with Hip Bursitis. Arthritis ruled out because my movement and strength was good but she’s sending me for an X-ray to confirm. I think I had come to that conclusion anyway from Dr Google but it was good to have it confirmed. She’s given me stronger pain killers and referred me for physiotherapy…but there’s a very long waiting list so will go back to my own and pay privately. I found a very good YouTube video for exercises for Bursitis and what NOT to do! DO NOT CROSS YOUR LEGS!

PSA and Testosterone test tomorrow and then last🤞🤞🤞🤞 HT jab on Thursday…busy week but I can see light at the end of the tunnel😊

Edited by member 01 Apr 2024 at 16:04  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 04 Apr 2024 at 12:21

Yeah! I’ve made it!

PSA <0.1 (undetectable)
Testosterone <0.2….non existent🤣🤣🤣

I know Undetectable doesn’t really mean as much for us HT/RT guys but I really feel I’ve reached a magic milestone.😊

Last (ever🤞🤞🤞) HT Jab today and I can’t tell you how happy I am about that.

I must say Fife NHS is very well organised…I was told not to worry, they are not forgetting about me, I will get a letter every 3 months to remind me to get a PSA test and then a letter with the result. Going to be an anxious time every 3 months but I’m going to focus on getting my ‘body’ back.

A wee celebration drinkie tonight I think.

Thanks to everyone for their support on my journey, it’s been amazing and I will continue to be an active member of this forum.

Posted 04 Apr 2024 at 12:26

That's great news Derek! Really pleased for you.


Posted 04 Apr 2024 at 12:37

Excellent news, time to celebrate.

Posted 04 Apr 2024 at 13:54

Well done Derek!

Wait until your libido fully returns. Your wife will have to try and sleep with one eye open.😁


Posted 04 Apr 2024 at 14:57

Great result Derek!

You've certainly earned that celebratory drink.


Posted 04 Apr 2024 at 15:46

Fab news- start of the journey back to less aches and pains and away from hormone hell.  Kate 

Posted 04 Apr 2024 at 19:16

Excellent news for you Deco. Enjoy your celebration drinks



Posted 04 Apr 2024 at 19:39
Get on it Derek. You only live once ! Congrats 🙌
Posted 03 May 2024 at 19:28

Just a quick update….following a hip X-ray 2 weeks ago I went to the GP surgery today to get my results. Apparently I’ve been diagnosed with mild Osteoarthritis. The doc has put me down for Physio but there’s a long waiting list and I’m not sure what else I can do in the meantime to help with the symptoms. I’m also not sure if this is related to the Bursitis that I was diagnosed with before the X-ray. I need to find out what else I can do to relieve the pain and improve my mobility so am going to make an appointment with my private Physio, hopefully next week.

I never had these issues before starting HT😟

Posted 31 May 2024 at 16:46

Hi Derek

Haven't posted for a while. Pleased to hear you are over the hump and getting on the path to normality. Have a large malt!

Am awaiting my next 6 mo psa / testosterone check ( july). Let's hope it's still low. It would be a b-----ger if I had a recurrence on top of the myeloma! 

Am on 5 cycle of chemo for that but had a few days in hospital caused by a chest infection and collapsed left lung. OK now I hope  but 24 hrs waiting in A and E was an eye opener!

Haematologist optimistic about a remission, we wiilcross thatbridge when I come to it.

I suppose ishould now move to the myeloma website but having had so much information and support from you all I shall keep In touch pending my next psa test!

It seems as if our diagnosis and treatment were quite similar in many repects so look after yourself



Posted 31 May 2024 at 17:06

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
Am on 5 cycle of chemo for that but had a few days in hospital caused by a chest infection and collapsed left lung.

Bloomin eck mate, all this and myeloma! You're having a run of bad luck. Hope everything gets sorted. Best of luck.

Posted 02 Jun 2024 at 10:22

Hi Peternigel,

Sorry for not replying sooner but I’ve been away in Fuerteventura for the last 3 weeks and not so active on here.

I hope your PSA result is good and sorry to hear about your myeloma, I hope you get it sorted. Life can just be so cruel at times. A close friend of mine who I met at Maggies and was on the same PCa route as me got through his RT/HT fine and was immediately undetectable after RT. He was so happy but had to go into hospital back in January to have a couple of aneurysms repaired.  His kidneys were damaged during the Op and he also had a spinal stroke. He never recovered and sadly passed away at the end of April. It really affected me badly as we enjoyed many lunches together and we had formed a close bond…..we were both just on the same ‘wavelength’😊. We had lunch the day before he went into hospital at our favourite cafe by the beach, and I gave him a hug and wished him good luck. I will remember that day forever.

I’m doing ok at the moment counting down the days until Independence Day on 4th July when I will be free of Prostap. I’m not expecting miracles of recovery but hopefully slowly my aching and dysfunctional body will recover. Then of course we have the anxiety of ‘Will my PSA start to rise as my testosterone recovers?’.  I really don’t know how I would have coped without the support of everyone on here, all my friends at Maggies…and Sertraline, which has kept me on an even keel during the anxious moments.

Good luck for the future Peternigel and please keep us posted of your progress.


Posted 04 Jul 2024 at 09:09

Independence Day! How appropriate😊 The end of Prostap….hopefully forever. I had my last Prostap injection 13 weeks ago and a reminder popped up on my phone today which should have been my next jab. However Onco is happy for me to stop HT after 2 years as my PSA has remained at <0.1.

It’s a great feeling and going out for lunch with 2 of my friends from Maggies, who have helped me through this journey, as has everyone on this forum. Thanks to all of you🙏

Now I’m just looking forward to slowly getting my male body back, not that it was much to shout about anyway🤣🤣🤣🤣,  but it’s going to be interesting just to see how things change over the next few months.


Posted 04 Jul 2024 at 15:41

That's great news Derek.  I can't believe its been 2 years!  how time flies.

Hope you all enjoyed the celebratory lunch and congratulations.


Posted 04 Jul 2024 at 17:54

Good for you Derek, that’s great news! 

Posted 04 Jul 2024 at 20:37

Great news Derek. Glad you voted for the Just Stop HT Party 😆

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