I looked into the Atlanta trial when my husband was diagnosed with spread to lymph node and bones. The only thing of course is that you can’t choose which arm of the trial you are allocated to.
As it turned out, a different opinion said it wasn’t in his bone. He had the robotic prostatectomy with the removal of 14 lymph nodes of which one was infected. We wanted this option for the reasons that Lyn has stated above. Luckily he handled the op really well and recovered great too….he still suffers with ED but seeing some improvements even without medication.
He was always told he would most likely need radiotherapy after the op, but at 12 months post op his PSA is still undetectable. So just a waiting game and I guess he will have more treatment if and when required. Still pray it will never happen, but in reality it’s very possible.
We’re really happy with the choices we made though and have no regrets.
Good luck with your treatment.