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Suppliments with HT

Posted 14 Jan 2023 at 20:41

Hi all

i take a few supplements and under significant duress form my OH agreed to ask you wonderful people if they were okay when undergoing HT and RT.

So I take vit c vit d3 and K2 also ubiquinol

Sorry if this seems daft but I promised 


Posted 15 Jan 2023 at 01:12

Whilst on HT take whatever you want that you think will keep you healthy. You would probably get enough of these from a balanced diet, but I have heard we are all low on vitamin d in the winter. 

Whilst on RT be more careful. RT works by ionising water molecules and creating free radicals or oxidants to use another name. You should avoid antioxidants during RT. The vitamins you quote all claim to have antioxidant properties. I tend to take health food marketing with a pinch of salt. Just on the slim chance these supplements might do what they say on the tin, I would not take them for a week or two before RT started and for a few days after the RT finished. 




Posted 15 Jan 2023 at 04:00

Calcium ... not sure if you'd call it a supplement but in the absence of testosterone there can be problems with osteopenia or more seriously, osteporosis.


Posted 15 Jan 2023 at 11:08

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Whilst on HT take whatever you want that you think will keep you healthy. You would probably get enough of these from a balanced diet, but I have heard we are all low on vitamin d in the winter. 

Whilst on RT be more careful. RT works by ionising water molecules and creating free radicals or oxidants to use another name. You should avoid antioxidants during RT. The vitamins you quote all claim to have antioxidant properties. I tend to take health food marketing with a pinch of salt. Just on the slim chance these supplements might do what they say on the tin, I would not take them for a week or two before RT started and for a few days after the RT finished. 

I start my RT a week on Monday and take    Biona 100% fresh squeezed Pomegranate juice daily, which is an antioxidant. Do you think I should stop this until after RT?




Posted 15 Jan 2023 at 12:37


Personally I would stop that for the duration of RT (I presume 6 or 7 weeks). Though in reality I doubt it would make any difference either way.

If you are eating a well balanced diet, I don't think supplements are worth taking. Your body will make what it needs from whatever you put in so you will probably have a normal level of anti oxidant whether you take pomegranate or not.

If you have a genuine vitamin deficiency (at this time of year vitD is probably low) then take supplements. 

Jules you're right about bone problems with HT. I would argue that it is the lack of testosterone causing cells not to make bones, rather than a lack of the raw ingredients for bones (calcium, vit D). To paraphrase an old saying, "you can lead a bone to calcium, but you can't make it drink it".

Of course being sure there is enough calcium, vit D etc, will give the best chance of preserving bone health if your cells are in the mood to make bones.

Remember I don't even have an O level in biology, so take everything I say with a pinch of salt (other minerals are available)


Posted 15 Jan 2023 at 20:09

This is an interesting thread as my OH is about to start RT in the next couple of months,  is there any particular dietary requirements you would recommend?

He currently has a high fibre diet with plenty of veg and lentils etc to support with his heart condition but I believe this will need to be changed to white bread and plain foods etc. is there anything in particular anyone would recommend to eat and drink more of/less of or not at all during RT? 

sorry to high jack your conversation Nigel, I know you’re on a similar path to my OH so hoping this question will help you too 😊 I hope you’ve managed to meet with your oncologist now


Posted 15 Jan 2023 at 20:18

Hi Nicola

no worries. Fill your boots 😊

White bread. Is that not the devil incarnate ??

I am considering cutting out carbs as much as possible  but I I am conflicted with the heart diet. I imagine you understand the conflict? 

Oncologist meeting booked for Tuesday 17th. Can’ t be.I eve I am looking forward to it. I want to plan!!

Posted 15 Jan 2023 at 20:22

please forgive me for my rudeness. How is OH getting on with his treatment?

Posted 15 Jan 2023 at 20:23

My OH loves white bread so is looking forward to eating plenty of it (if I’ve read the info correctly!!) yes absolutely, the RT diet is the absolute opposite to the one I’m sure you’re familiar with for the heart but I guess it’s balancing the risk again.

Thats great news about your appointment, you will feel a lot more positive once you have a treatment plan in place, the oncologist spent an hour with us talking though everything. Write down all the questions you have so you can take them into the appointment, there’s a lot to take in so i took a notebook in with us 

Posted 15 Jan 2023 at 20:26

No need to apologise at all and thank you for asking 😊 He has his third prostap injection next week, he’s just getting a lot of hot flushes at night, he looks permanently flushed at the moment but I’m guessing that’s quite normal. He’s getting more tired but that’s mainly mid afternoon when he’s at work. Gets measured for RT next month so just wants to get cracking with it now

Posted 15 Jan 2023 at 20:32

Cool but white bread.  Hahahahaha

i was trying tho think how to eat without any bread……clearly worried about getting fat.

I will have a think about questions. And the notebook is a great idea .  I think I know what I need to know 

like actually tell me what state I am in what’s the chances of curing. When and what will the RT treatment happen how many fractions. Etc.

this bit important as I can’t imagine doing the Barrow to Preston run for 37 fractions and will ask for Basingstoke which is only hp20 miles from work base……. 
this creates problems with OH but is more realistic 




Posted 15 Jan 2023 at 20:36

Many thanks Dave 

I will bring this up with Onchologist

Posted 15 Jan 2023 at 20:41

My OH hasn’t put any weight on so far but not sure if that will change…I keep thinking to just eat what you like and enjoy life because it’s hard enough for you all as it is. I guess it’s important to follow the advice though which he absolutely will. 

We found the oncologist so helpful and supportive, they answered every question and didn’t rush us. That’s such a long journey for you to do every day, I imagine your OH will feel frustrated though as im sure she will want to go with you 

Posted 15 Jan 2023 at 21:03

Hi Nicola,

At my CT planning session I asked that very question and was told just eat a normal diet.

i was told that if/when the side effects kick in I might need to change my diet depending on what side effects I got.

I really do wonder if changing your diet just before RT is a good idea as it might upset your digestive system?

I guess every centre is different.

Posted 15 Jan 2023 at 21:03

When I started HT prior to salvage RT my oncologist recommended ensuring I had enough vitamin D and calcium, since there can be a tendency to bone loss. I saw no point in taking supplement quantities, so took daily multivitamins - basically recommended normal intakes of all of them.

Dave above is right about radiotherapy working by creating free radicals and several vitamins being anti-oxidants, but I doubt vitamin intake at normal levls will affect free radical formation in the prostate region.

I took the advice of the therapeutic radiographers on diet. At my hospital they didn't seem to be too worried about brown bread etc, what concerned them was green vegetables which they said were the most likely to cause wind. So I avoided those. But others on the forum report different advice.

The other thing, I had a blood test after RT was over which showed I had mild anaemia (and to be fair, that had been suggested on this forum when I reported getting tired in evenings). RT is known to sometimes promote anaemia, either by causing mild blood loss from irradiated tissues or by affecting the bone marrow of the pelvis which is important in making red blood cells. So you may want to think about taking some iron, I just swapped to the version of multivitamins that included it.

Edited by member 15 Jan 2023 at 21:06  | Reason: Explaining things better

Posted 15 Jan 2023 at 21:10

Thank you J-b. 
Bit of a nightmare. Doing the right thing,your observation is helpful 

Posted 15 Jan 2023 at 22:41

I have now got severe osteoporosis because my testosterone has not recovered since finishing treatment in 2016,I am waiting to start zoledronic acid infusion. 

Posted 16 Jan 2023 at 20:34
That's really tough, Radar.

Alendronic acid drugs are supposed to be very effective, but it would be much better not to need them.

I am currently waiting for my testosterone to return following treatment last summer, there are some hopeful indications (re-growth of some body hair) but normality is definitely not there yet. I hope for me recovery doesn't take years.

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