I had round three last week so just ahead of you.
The main side effects I've noticed are:
- Very fatigued for the first 4-5 days. After this I have noticeable improvement each day and by day 9 feeling pretty good if a bit sluggish.
- Taste is pretty bad over the same timelines. I just avoid certain foods that I find taste bad (like bananas). But it does recover by about day 9.
- I find it helps to keep active. For example I walk every day and by day 5 or 6 find I have enough energy drag myself to the gym. I had chemo last Wednesday week, and today was out skiing in France but just taking it a bit easier than normal.
- Work wise I quit after 2 sessions and will go back when chemo is finished. I wasn't very productive about a week after chemo so it made sense rather than jumping in and out of work.
No idea how the remaining 3 sessions will go so just taking them one at a time.
Best wishes.
Edited by member 20 Jan 2023 at 20:25
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