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Radiotherapy - starting treatment

Posted 01 Feb 2023 at 17:52

My hubby was diagnosed last summer with locally advanced prostate cancer.  He is on hormone therapy and has been advised he’ll be on this for at least six months before starting radiotherapy.

He was due to start this in January 2023 however was required to have a TURP beforehand.  That was undertaken in November 2022 and has been successful.  We are seeing his oncologist at the end of February and are expecting him to advise that my hubby will be ready for radiotherapy.

The question I have for those who have undergone similar treatment is how long once the oncologist has confirmed this will it take for the staging to be done and the radiotherapy to start? 

We’re trying to plan ahead, where possible, and trying to understand how much notice he’ll have of radiotherapy starting.

Any information anyone can share on this would be really appreciated.

Many thanks


Posted 01 Feb 2023 at 19:41

Hi Chris,

the information you have posted is a little confusing. You say hubby has been diagnosed with localised advanced then go on to ask about staging.

I would have expected for staging biopsies scans etc to have been done?

doyou have any more info to inform people who can then offer advice?


Posted 01 Feb 2023 at 19:49
The old chestnut all depends how ‘busy ‘ the team is ? What are your psa reading ? HT will bring that right down . I was diagnosed aug 2018 , started ht , second injection dec 2018 started rt 10/1/2019 20 fractions ended 7/2/2019 .3rd and last injection mar 2019. Only mishap besides seeing myself twice I had AWR had to have a catheter for three wks .
Posted 01 Feb 2023 at 19:50

It might be different with different hospitals. I didn't have the complication of a TURP. From what I remember I was told in about April that I would have RT mid summer. In the first week of August I got a letter with appointment dates for planning scan and RT appointments. So expect to know roughly when RT will start after your next meeting, and expect to know exactly when it will start about three weeks before.


Posted 01 Feb 2023 at 21:19


I guess all we have to base info on is our own experiene that is why this forum is so helpful as there are so many dealing with similar circumstances.

My experience was that first indications were a PSA result of 17.5 from GP in October 2022. Then the urgent process kicked in but I caught covid which kind of kicked everything back 3 weeks maybe more for scans etc.

then as I had some indications in MRI I was sent for a PET scan. All data reviewed by the MDT ( multi discipline team) and a full diagnosis was confirmed late December. Put on HR straight away, started 22nd.

Met oncologist on 17th Jan and he has said RTto start mid April. However that date is considered by him the appropriate time from start of HT. I imagine that differs man to man depending on their cancer diagnosis

i would recommend you are not shy in pressing the NHS for information 

kind regards 



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Posted 01 Feb 2023 at 19:41

Hi Chris,

the information you have posted is a little confusing. You say hubby has been diagnosed with localised advanced then go on to ask about staging.

I would have expected for staging biopsies scans etc to have been done?

doyou have any more info to inform people who can then offer advice?


Posted 01 Feb 2023 at 19:49
The old chestnut all depends how ‘busy ‘ the team is ? What are your psa reading ? HT will bring that right down . I was diagnosed aug 2018 , started ht , second injection dec 2018 started rt 10/1/2019 20 fractions ended 7/2/2019 .3rd and last injection mar 2019. Only mishap besides seeing myself twice I had AWR had to have a catheter for three wks .
Posted 01 Feb 2023 at 19:50

It might be different with different hospitals. I didn't have the complication of a TURP. From what I remember I was told in about April that I would have RT mid summer. In the first week of August I got a letter with appointment dates for planning scan and RT appointments. So expect to know roughly when RT will start after your next meeting, and expect to know exactly when it will start about three weeks before.


Posted 01 Feb 2023 at 21:02


He's had all the tests, scans and MRI.  He was given a diagnosis of locally advanced prostate cancer.  He is having HT followed by RT.  

If I haven't used the right terminology, forgive me.  I'm talking about when the scan would take place to set him up for RT (having the tattoo?) and then how long would it be before RT starts.

Many thanks


Posted 01 Feb 2023 at 21:05

Thanks for the information.  We've read so much as I'm sure you guys all did.  It's good to hear what has happened in reality for others.  We're mindful that each case is different.

Posted 01 Feb 2023 at 21:09

Thanks again for the information.  They've advised it would be 20 sessions when it does take place.  Just need to get more details and hopefully that will be at the next appointment.

Posted 01 Feb 2023 at 21:19


I guess all we have to base info on is our own experiene that is why this forum is so helpful as there are so many dealing with similar circumstances.

My experience was that first indications were a PSA result of 17.5 from GP in October 2022. Then the urgent process kicked in but I caught covid which kind of kicked everything back 3 weeks maybe more for scans etc.

then as I had some indications in MRI I was sent for a PET scan. All data reviewed by the MDT ( multi discipline team) and a full diagnosis was confirmed late December. Put on HR straight away, started 22nd.

Met oncologist on 17th Jan and he has said RTto start mid April. However that date is considered by him the appropriate time from start of HT. I imagine that differs man to man depending on their cancer diagnosis

i would recommend you are not shy in pressing the NHS for information 

kind regards 



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