My father is 73yo and got his first shot of decapeptyl 22.5mg in June 2022, without any major side effects. Later he went through 28 radio sessions, because of an advanced local prostate cancer, and last December 2022 he got his second Decapeptyl 22.5mg injection.
Since that second injection he is living in a hell. He suffers from heavy bone pain, we cant touch his arms or shoulders without hurting him. He is unable to stand up, so he cannot walk, and he cant being laying down in bed either, because of the pains. That extreme pain has caused a heavy depression, which is being treated now with medical help, as he express he doesnt want to live anymore like this. He is suffering a lot and going through an enormous pain and we feel the frustration of not being able to help him more.
His next decapeptyl 22.5mg injection is scheduled for June 2023 but he has made very clear he will not take it, so we will have to look for alternatives. Taking into account that he took the last injection only 6 weeks ago, has anyone gone through something similar or does anyone know how much time can pass untill those horrible side effects get a bit better?
I want also to thank all this community, we are from Barcelona and I havent found a similar place to express our experiencies in any spanish forum.
Edit on Sunday 5th February:
First of all, I want to thank all of you who have dedicated part of your time to answer my question.
Finally, my father passed away this morning, while he was sleeping. Now, the doctors tell us that his cancer had spread to his bones, but neither we nor the doctors had detected it before. Now, we only have the consolation of thinking that he is no longer suffering. Again, I want to thank you all and wish you a lot of strength and good luck. From Barcelona I send a big hug to all of you.
Edited by member 05 Feb 2023 at 22:48
| Reason: Not specified