Hi folks, looking for any words of wisdom regarding my situation. I am a 57 year old and just had a PSA of 4.5. Due to have a Urology appointment on Tuesday but in the meantime freaking out and finding it difficult to focus on anything.
I started having PSA checks in 2016 as I was running to the loo frequently and had occasional nocturnia. Also had an Uncle on Mother's side diagnosed in his 60's - still alive today.
PSA history was as follows:
Mar 2016 0.48
Nov 2017 0.77
Feb 2019 1.33
Oct 2020 0.57
Jan 2023 4.5
Normal PSA's generally had DRE's which were normal other than the comment that the prostate was slightly enlarged but synonymous with age. Recent DRE was reported as enlarged with central sulcus and no cragginess. 2/3rd of the prostate was able to be felt. Incidentally I went for my recent PSA as my Nocturia had developed to the point where I was getting up once a night every night. Interestingly this has changed again in the last week where I am only getting up some nights.
What really worries me is the significant PSA increase and whilst I understand it can be caused by other conditions I haven't really seen many stories where this turned out to be the case. Furthermore I have to assume that it didn't increase linearly since Oct 2020. As a result I think I am almost resigned to the fact that I will end in a positive diagnosis. Furthermore I'm also now worried that the symptoms in 2016 were the beginning of prostate cancer despite the PSA results and I will now be diagnosed with advanced disease as it has progressed over 7 years. I notice I now have a painful/tender point on my right hip (no bigger than a fingernail) and wonder if this could be bone mets?
Should also say that semen quality has been poor more recently - less quantity and more watery. Might have had one instance with blood in semen a couple of months back - difficult to tell as it was extremely faint pink. Not sure if it was lighting.
Apologies for the long email but as you might be able to tell I am currently in some distress. Appreciate any thoughts that might help.
Edited by member 05 Feb 2023 at 09:05
| Reason: Additional info