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Signs of prostate issue?

Posted 20 Feb 2023 at 06:26

Signs of prostate issue? I actually went and got checked for a hernia, which I do have. But these symptoms below make me think I have 2 separate issues at once. The hernia doctor said the vibration thing isnt related to the hernia and go see more regular doctor which I haven't yet.

I have had pain in the direct center of my abdomen for the past few months, i always thought it was my bladder, but after all the issues below im thinking prostate? It doesnt burn to urinate, I do seem to pee alot but drink alot of coffee. I dont have a problem urinating. It did hurt deeply to pee a while back, it wasnt a burning at the tip, more like a relief pain around the bladder area. I went to get a uti test and the said I didnt have a UTI.

I had pain in my left testicle a few months ago it was on and off like pain 2 seconds off 2 seconds, for hours at a time, day after day. That went away after about a week i think and moved to the right side and was more of an ache. And then the pain in the testicle would happen before passing gas. I wouldn't even know gas was coming but id feel pain and then all of the sudden gas a few seconds after. That sort of pain finally stopped a couple weeks ago, but now last week I started getting a vibration feeling in the in the area between the scrotum and rectum (known as the perineum). It is like a cell phone vibration, and and off many times during the day. Here is the weird part, sometimes I can make it stop by turning my head up and back. Soon as I start to put my head back in its normal position it will start right back up. This doesnt work every time. It will also do it if I tap my leg near my groin.... It will do it almost every time. Tap my leg and itll maybe a buzzing vibration for few seconds and stop. Alot of the time it'll just do it over and over like a cell phone is ringing on vibrate down there.

Thanks for any ideas.

Posted 22 Feb 2023 at 22:06
Sorry you haven't had a reply yet. None of the symptoms you describe seem to have any association with prostate cancer. Sounds like an issue with your nerves - a trapped nerve in your neck or spine perhaps? See your GP.
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