Hello. I’m a 54 year old chap, dad died of cancer at 72, brother at 53 so consider myself high risk. Taking part in a research program for prostate cancer and sadly they have found lesions which they have graded a 4, “likely to be cancer”, I await I biopsy. Only potential symptoms have been a slowing of urine flow in the past couple of years. In the past I’ve had a lump in my scrotum investigated which they said is a harmless cyst but I now wonder if I should have asked more questions, how can they be sure its harmless and could it change into something nasty later? Also have a polyp in my gallgladder which is making me ask the same questions. Feeling very low and thinking that although it appears that if there is anything nasty in my prostate they have likely caught it early, I can’t help thinking this is just the start.