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Progress of sorts

Posted 22 Feb 2023 at 22:54

After living with the failure of viagra and having to abandon the vacuum pump due to lymphoedema, last month I saw the Urology CNS and she prescribed 5mg of tadalafil. Took a total of nine of these tablets before having to give them up due to horrendous acid reflux. Last month she suggested that I read the official documentation on MUSE and she would try to me out with a 500mg pellet.

Returned to the hospital yesterday and saw a different nurse, as well as a student on her third day (!), who stated that she didn’t believe the MUSE would work and recommended injections. I decided to try the pellet anyway as that was what I was expecting. Anyway the upshot was, much to the nurse’s surprise, I got a partial erection from it.

Now I’m about to go to the pharmacy to pickup my 1000 mg prescription. I feel reasonably optimistic about. Fingers crossed.



Posted 23 Feb 2023 at 13:45

I wonder why she didn't think MUSE was worth trying?

It's not as effective as the injections, but it's worth trying first, because if it does work, it's less invasive.

It does have a problem of going unavailable quite often.

Posted 23 Feb 2023 at 14:26

I was offered injections but opted for muse, after five years I went on to the injections. I probably used muse more often than injections because as Andrew says it is less invasive.

The muse was sometimes a bit hit and miss and does need to kept in the fridge. Others may disagree but I found muse still needed stimulation to make it work. The advice with muse is to insert the cream/pellet into the urethra and roll the penis between your hands, perhaps the addition stimulation helps it work better. I tried doses from 250 to 1000, but I can't say I found what was the best dose. There was a bit of an ache as it wore off.

I do often comment that I wasted five years by not going straight to the injections. The main thing is never give up and have fun finding a solution.

Thanks Chris 


Posted 23 Feb 2023 at 19:25

She stated it was based on my reaction to other medication and her experience, she has seen loads of blokes over the years. She did say she could be wrong.

anyway I did learn that half of my nerves have been spared, which I didn’t know before.


Posted 24 Feb 2023 at 06:57
I found muse to be more faf than the injections but it's personal preference. It also doesn't taste nice apparently.
Posted 24 Feb 2023 at 10:02

The policy of the consultant is to try all non-invasive methods before injections and I can’t argue with that.

Edited by member 24 Feb 2023 at 10:02  | Reason: Typo

Posted 27 Feb 2023 at 13:05

Well, went to collect my prescription today, first thing I noticed is that the prescription is for one applicator, so one dose. I know I’m entitled to one dose a week (to put it politely) so I decided to apply straight away for a repeat prescription only to find it hasn’t been set up for a repeat. I have therefore already booked a telephone appointment for tomorrow to get another prescription. Will I really have to do this every week? It’s going to be a fun conversation.

The pharmacy then told me that they could not order it in. I went to Boots and they told me there is none available in the country. Oh well I’ve waited nearly four years for a bit of pleasure I don’t suppose another six months will make any difference. Not.



Posted 27 Feb 2023 at 13:16

Rob, when I was on muse I got 4 at a time, you are probably better getting one at a time until you find the right dose.

I use caverject injections now, I swapped over to Boots as they have a distribution hubs and found they could get caverject when smaller chains could not get the stuff.

Thanks Chris 



Posted 27 Feb 2023 at 14:15

Cheers Chris,

I have no choice about the dose, it has to be the 1000 mcg. I used the 500 at the clinic and it was only partially successful. So for me it’s 1000 or bust



Posted 27 Feb 2023 at 15:10

Rob , not sure why you say you have no choice of dose. I swapped and changed my dose various times throughout my time using muse. I think as recovery or technique got better I found a different dose worked better and the after ache got less. 

If you mean 1000 is the only dose available, oh.☹️

Thanks Chris 


Posted 27 Feb 2023 at 18:44

I had a 500mcg dose at the clinic and it was partially successful so it has to be 1000. Mind you, the manufacturer in the USA isn’t supplying anything at the moment. There is a global shortage so nothing is going to happen for weeks, possibly months.

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