This is a long journey, but no matter how bad the situation is, you will be here for many years to come. This is because it develops very slowly.
The most downside of it, is the few weeks beginning of the journey (up to diagnoses), when there are many if and buts? (Read my tread and you see what I mean). This is because you travelling in the dark tunnel and could not see what comes to you.
But, once you know the diagnosis, most uncertainties gone, you are in a better situation. Though still anxious, once treatment starts, facing the fact you have no choice but to accommodate yourself with it and then start to use to it both by instinct and some readings, especially others experiences.
You gradually learn how to deal with it, you will start to get back to your life as before and enjoy your life again.
Although, at present hard times, you could not get rid of thinking about it, soon will come days that you forget you have a disease.