54 year old, healthy, active, newbie here who still cant believe hes joined this club.
My PC journey so far: :
Referred by GP (29/1/23) for PSA
PSA test (30/01/23) - 18.3
Biopsy : 4+5 (9)
Confirmed diagnosis 27/02/23, and advised MDT recommending RP surgery.
Sent for CT and PET scan. Advised today cancer spread from Prostate to pelvic bone and lymph nodes and my staging is T3bN1M1. Told treatment plan has changed following MDT yesterday and starts now, today by taking HT (Bicalutamide), then injections (cant remember how often) then after 3-6 months Radiotheraphy. This dosent feel very good at all.
Im struggling right now with only having spoken to a Specialist Prostate Nurse over the phone about all this (although have no complaints about her). An appointment scheduled for next week with a Urology consultant has now been cancelled (because Im not having RP) and that I will have an appointment with an oncology consultant in a few weeks. Shouldnt I have seen / been given the opportunity to have spoken to a consultant before embarking on the treatment? It feels a big step based on a single telephone conversation and I m giving serious thought to getting a private consultation
Im also concerned about the side effects of HT as I have done little reading up on it in and how long its going to last. Any experiences welcome.