Hello all,
I am 1 1/2 years out from intermediate stage 3+4. Biopsy results at the time were as follows:
Clincal Stage T1c, Intermediate Stage 3+4. Andinocarcinoma in 4 of 12 samples with 60% in one, and 40%, 30% and 5% in the others. I decided on 2 treatments of HD radiation therapy. Everything has been going well but I recently have been having a dull pain in my right side back behind my lower rib cage. (Kidney area) This pain level goes up to a 5-6 on a 10 scale (usually worse in the morning) or after exercising somewhat. Sometimes I hardly feel it. My PSA has continually gone down since HD treatment and is a .35 at this time.
In December 2022 I was put on Lipitor for my cholesterol. It was shortly after this that this pain started. Did some blood work 1 month later and my one liver enzyme was elevated to 83. Doctor took me off Lipitor and checked it 2-3 weeks later. Came down to 50 (high end of normal is 45). Pain still persists though after 2 months of being off Litpitor. My family doc ordered a CT scan of the abdomen chest area. Just got the results. Everything was unremarkable other than it was noted that there was multiple bilateral parapelvic renal cysts noted. I understand these cysts on the kidneys are usually not a problem, but can cause this type pain if they burst or become too large. I thought for sure Lipitor was the cause, but now I don't know. I understand prostate cancer can spread to the kidneys (although seldom goes there 1st) and that prostate cancer can spread w/o a rise in PSA but it also is not normal for it to do so. Anyways - just wanted to run by these symptoms with some others to get their thoughts. Not sure there is anything else to do but to keep monitoring my PSA. Thanks and any thoughts would be appreciated.