Hi there
My brother-in-law told me about this web site and I'm very glad he did. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer several years ago and is currently doing very well.
A couple of days ago I found myself sitting opposite a Urologist as he told me "your biopsy shows the presence of cancer in your prostate." It was a bizarre feeling, almost an out of body experience. I drove home and told my wonderful wife and we just sort of stared at each other for a while and then read the comprehensive handbook the hospital had given me. A lot of good information in there.
I have a Gleason score of 3+3 so it's been found pretty early and for that I am extremely grateful. At the moment the hospital says the treatment plan is 'Active Surveillance'.
I'm currently waiting for a separate operation (abdominal aortic aneurysm repair) which hopefully should be happening within the next few weeks. It never rains but it pours! It all started with a stomach ache last September. I had a CT scan which showed the 3 aneurysms and some other problem areas including bowel, lungs and prostate. I got through the lung biopsy and the colonoscopy OK with no sign of cancer but have fallen at the last hurdle with a prostate cancer diagnosis.
I'm still quite freaked out but not as bad as I was a couple of days ago.