Surprised to find that it's been over six months since my last entry. Frankly it's been six months I could have done without - First up Mrs Flygidz had her surgery to remove her benign tumour in early November. Sadly it dod not go well and she had a stroke during the procedure. She is making progress but it is long and slow....I've also discovered how many things she was doing around here - a s*** ton as it turns out!
As for me well that hasn't gone to plan either. Had my first post RP pow wow in mid November - it got rescheduled a couple of times. Unfortunately the blood test revealed that the magic undetectable PSA value was missed though pretty low. The initial histology confirmed the original diagnosis of Gleeson 4+3 and a T3a N0 (more of that later).
At the time I was told fear not it may be just some residual we'll see what we get in January...(although the consultation was in November the blood sample was taken end of Oct).
Meanwhile, on the continence front things continued to improve and by and large I only use pads as a safety net. There have been other changes on that front if I sink a few jars then it's wise to have a back up pad to hand - or drink fewer beers.
On the erections front I'm still not in any kind of form but to be fair what will all the caring for my SS and housework stuff It hasn't been a priority...allied with the fact one side nerve bundle took a lot of punishment during the RP.
Of course against the background of Mrs Flygidz's recovery (she was released from hospital 10 days before Christmas) the holiday period came and went without us really noticing and before I knew it, it was time for the January bloods. More bad news PSA value still very low doubled. My case was then subject to a review the upshot of which was to hang fire on any further treatment decision until the result of the beginning of April test was known...but reading between the lines of the conversation with the Oncology Nurse at St Dicks it was fairly clear which way the wind was blowing.
Come to this week and the early April review - yup sort of as expected, the boil down is that the RP failed to do the job what's more they had further reviewed the histology and upgraded both the Gleeson and the T number to 9 and 4 respectively - made me think "how hard they look the first time?" The question is in part moot since it's about what's ahead - the immediate future is Salvage Nuking (with or without a side order of Hormones - that remains TBD) while they try and work out how significant the matastis is....
Health generally - I'm knackered much of the time but that may have more to do with working and the carer side of things than as symptom of illness - though notably even though knackered I don't sleep at all well, I haven't for months. I also have pain in the area of former bone breaks (I've had a few of those when I was young I was give to doing stupid things with bikes (motor and push), parachutes and so forth) but arguably they could be psychosomatic or a byproduct of fatigue...
To be honest the whole thing is getting a bit 'past it's sell by date".
Couple of things I've noticed since diagnosis in July when you talk about PC you get the impression that people see it as rather 'common or garden' the Accrington Stanley of cancers if you will...paling into insignificance compared with rather more premier league varieties. That's not intended as a whinge more an observation.
Edited by member 10 Aug 2023 at 08:21
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