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Cycling during RT

Posted 06 Apr 2023 at 18:28

I’ve only had 2 (out of 20 sessions) RT sessions and just wondering about the wisdom of cycling during RT. I meant to ask the RT team today but I had to make a quick dash to the bog so forgot. It’s going to be a nice day tomorrow and Ive got a 4 day break over Easter - I would love to try out my new ebike, nothing to strenuous or long, just to get out and about and boost my endorphins.

Is it a No! No!


Posted 06 Apr 2023 at 20:40
Cycling was an absolute no after John's RP but he cycled during RT without any problems
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard
Posted 07 Apr 2023 at 05:00

Exercise improves the effectiveness of RT. Cancers often have poor blood flow (particularly at the centre of larger tumors), but RT needs the cancer cells to have a good oxygen supply. Exercise can help with improving oxygenation of tumors.

I did swap to a noseless saddle which has nothing under the perineum, out of an abundance of caution. Still use it now, 3½ years after RT as I got used to it. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0957HZ1JG

Edited by moderator 28 Jan 2025 at 13:39  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 07 Apr 2023 at 07:40

I think my Mountain Bike Days are over following RP, I don't have the padding I used to... If anyone on here has been able to continue Mountain Biking since RP would be grateful to hear.

Posted 07 Apr 2023 at 13:22
I really hope my e-biking days are not over after my RT. It’s is the one thing that keeps me sane and positive!
Posted 07 Apr 2023 at 16:35

How are you finding the RT after a couple of sessions Derek?

That noseless saddle looks interesting Andy. Never seen anything like that. I had to stop cycling a long time ago as my seat bones just couldn’t hack it anymore but that may be a way to get back .. well .. in the saddle :)


Posted 07 Apr 2023 at 18:06

Hi Greg,

So far no issues but it’s early days yet. 4 days off for Easter now🤷🏼‍♂️

2nd sesssion much quicker than first as they didn’t do a CT Scan, only an X-ray…think they only do the CT Scan if something shows on the X-ray…Gas maybe. I was on and off the table within 5 minutes, which was just as well because I drank my water too early and was bursting. Having elasticated shorts and slip on trainers is ideal if you have to dash to the loo after treatment🤣🤣🤣

enemas no problem but not much happens except wind as I am quite regular in the morning and I treat myself to ONE caffeine flat white a day which is a great laxative!

avoiding things like broccoli evenings before treatment as I dont want to do the Walk of Shame

Radiographers are wonderful.

Had a slight sensation in my pelvis area today as though id been sunbathing in the nude! other than that feel fine…been out doing my +10k steps a day and enjoying the sunny(but cold) weather.

I was in such a hurry I forgot to ask them about cycling…and now my wife won’t let me just in case….despite me telling her the real experts on here said it was ok, Spoilsport!😟😟😟


Posted 07 Apr 2023 at 18:45

Hi Derei

Glad it’s started ok for you, long may that continue.

Haha she’s the boss though eh? 

You’re getting some good exercise at +10k steps a day so that’s good. I’m really struggling with my arthritis since they stopped my weekly injection so my fitness is plummeting..that’s another worry added to the list.  Jeez, it’s some list now mind. Haha. 
I hope you can get out on your bike soon, with the relevant medical and her indoors approval 😊



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