My husbands history:
1/9/22 - 4.7
28/9/22 MRI pi rads 4
5/10/22 - PSA 3.27. Biopsy (trans peroneal) Clear. Was told he had a very large prostate, I don't have dimensions.
This week (24/4/23)just before his 6 month follow up his PSA is 6.99, more than double what it was last October. I'm very worried about this big rise, he has no symptoms of infection or any prostate problems at all. My big concern is that maybe cancer was missed in the biopsies, which I know can happen. He did have a flu virus in the week before the blood test, may or may not have been Covid, could that affect the results? Either way I know he'll just have to wait for his appointment and see what the experts say, but just thought I'd get some opinions here.
Edited by member 16 Apr 2023 at 17:48
| Reason: Left out word