An update for this.
I am now just over eight weeks post surgery and met my surgeon for my biopsy results on the removed gland. He confirmed the Gleason 9 (5+4) and said he was very surprised by the previous 4+3 diagnosis.
As others have said this score may not be particularly relevant after the gland has gone so I am consoling myself with this. I guess this higher grade may mean recurrence is more likely further down the road?
There was no involvement with the seminal vesicles or the lymph nodes that were removed so this is good news , my psa was undetectable at the last test 6 weeks post, but he has asked for another at 12 weeks post. My anxiety levels are already rising regarding this,
My overall health is good and I have been back to active farming for three weeks. Bouncing around in a tractor seat is not particularly comfortable, nor is it good for my continance but needs must- Spring has sprung and there is much to do. Generally my continance is improving and I am finding the squeezy app very helpful.
Unfortunately the surgeon was not able to spare any erectile nerves- this has been the hardest thing to deal with mentally. The Sildenafil has obviously no effect whatsoever and my 'oldest friend' feels cold and shrunken. I find the penis pump a bit humiliating and a little uncomfortable. I have not yet tried to use the rubber ring to see if I can maintain a usable erection but this is on my to do list.
I have an appointment to see the penile re-habilitation nurse (now there's an enviable job title) to discuss the hard on injections so for now I am pinning my hopes on that.
When I meet friends or colleagues they all say how well I look and things like 'good job they got it early' or 'that's all behind you now' I smile and nod but inside I'm thinking that I'm not sure they did, and I'm not sure it is.
Edited by member 05 Jun 2023 at 08:02
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