I'm 69 years old. Currently living in Tokyo. Gradually over maybe the last 2 years my pee pressure became less and took more time and I started to pee more often, also during the night. I'm sure I have an enlarged prostate as this fits the symptoms as well as my age. 2 weeks ago, during night, I needed to pee but nothing came out, I went again and again, but nothing and it started to hurt. My daughter inlay booked a meeting with an urology clinic and we went the next day. My Japanese is not good enough to have more complicated conversations so she came with me. There they did blood and urin tests, and prescribed Tamsulosin and asked me to come back 2 weeks later for test results.
The 'not being able to pee' issue did not come back, everything is like it was before. I'll have to add that I usually don't take any medication and visit a doctor or hospital rarely if ever. I live a healthy and active life, no nicotine, very little alcohol. I did not take the prescribed Tamsulosin, what I read about it was not very encouraging.
2 weeks later, I returned today and my test result PSA number is 12. The doctor advised me to do an MRI and then go from there.
I'm on the fence if I should do the MRI fearing that this will be just the first of never-ending testing and who knows what other procedures. Besides the obvious abnormal PSA number I don't have any other issues.
Any suggestions from people with more experience than I appreciated.