I’m wondering if anyone can share their healing experience after radiotherapy regarding continence.
I had a Radical Prostatectomy 5 years ago, after which my continence quickly returned pretty much to normal. After Salvage Radiotherapy (with 6 months of hormone treatment) ending in mid-September 2022, my continence remained largely unaffected. However, in the last 2 or 3 months, i.e. 5 to 6 months after radiotherapy ended, I’ve become less secure. I’ve had the odd slight leakage, 2 or 3 times in the daytime over the past 2 to 3 months, and 3 times during the night. I have an increased sensation that it might happen, and it does sometimes feel as if my bladder wasn’t completely emptied after visiting the loo.
I know that after radiotherapy continence can worsen in the long term, so I’m wondering whether I’m already heading that way, or whether I might be going through an extended healing process, with ups and downs regarding continence. I still use the NHS “Squeezy” app.
Any shared experience, advice and comments welcome!