My consultant has just changed my meds to include Dexamethasone. My first treatment of radiotherapy/Brachytherapy and Prostap HT didn’t do the trick and my cancer came back in my lymph nodes. Next step was a different HT, Zoladex which didn’t work well so he added Bicalutimide. This didn’t work either so he’s putting me back on Prostap which seemed to keep the PSA down originally.And he’s stopping the Bicalutimide and adding Dexamethasone.So just wondering if anyone has experience of Dexamethasone side effects and how well it might work, and for how long?
You can contact me any time by email, if you wish.
Thanks PISSU. I forgot to say my PSA is now 6 , up from 3.1 3 months ago. Good to hear no side effects 👍
Thank you, much appreciated 👍
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