Hi Lyn, thanks for your reply. I'm not really familiar with how the doctors get paid in this private healthcare system - all I know is that the urologist is currently his principle doctor while he only sees the onco when he is actually having chemo! Last year when he saw the onco, he told my dad he was too weak and in no condition to do chemo especially at his age. It's his urologist who administers the HT injections and whom he sees regularly, and he has been pressuring my dad about chemo.
I am bearing in mind that this is the same guy who, after he was first diagnosed, sent my dad for BRCA testing, without conducting a proper family history or even telling any of us! Needless to say, I was horrified when I found out - not only because we ultimately had to foot the large bill for the test. It all turned out negative but we had a pretty intense few weeks while waiting for the result. So as this is a private hospital, we got the impression that money was a possible motivation. Which doesn't help with trust issues...!
We are seeing the urologist next week for the next hormone injection and we will see what he says, as well as what the PSA is this time. I can't tell you how stressful this whole ordeal has been for the family. My dad was in denial for years about his prostate issues and you can guess he has not been reacting well to any of this!
Thanks again for replying, it does make me feel less alone dealing with this somehow, as a close family member...