At the end of January, I had a psa test of 3.7, the previous year it was 0.7, a disciplinary jump, the family doctor asked for a urine culture and gave a referral to a urologist, the urologist sent me for an mri test, the urine culture showed bacteria, I received antibiotics and the psa dropped back to 0.75 when the mri answer came, the findings were a 1.5 mm lesion, Fridays 4 On the right side, everything else without involvement, the doctor referred me to a fusion biopsy before the biopsy, an MRI revision was done and another 5 mm tumor was seen on the left side. And without leaving the box I will return again before the biopsy psa 0.75 with such a value I would not get a biopsy +mri. The results of the biopsy only on the left side of the lesion 5 mm Freuds 3 Gleason 3+3 2 rolls out of 18, volume in 2 rolls 60/40 percent adenocarcinoma. A gps oncotest test showed a score of 23. Low risk, one of the consultants asked me to do a pet psma test. Another consultant said that it is not effective with low psa, despite this I did everything and it came out clean even in the prostate there was no absorption. All the oncologist and urologist consultants offered me active follow-up and I was told that I am at low risk, I am mainly concerned because of the low psa, and I will mention again that I found out because of a one-time psa jump due to a bacteria in the urine. I am worried because I heard that there are types of cancer that do not produce psa and it is difficult to monitor, I would do prostate removal surgery but again what will we monitor, I feel helpless and do not know what to do. Has anyone here heard of prostate cancer with such a low psa, or maybe I accidentally discovered more before it's enough to produce psa and also why a 0.5 mm touch with psa 0.75 is not visible in pet psma the doctors say that I'm fine and that I'm just anxious, but I think my case is very strange and different, please help me understand