I'm a bloke about to hit 70.
I've been plagued with bladder issues since my 20s. Two or three times a night was not unusual. My doctor didn't think there was anything wrong, put it down as psychosomatic and prescribed sleeping tablets so I wouldn't wake up so often!
The issues carried on and I had various examinations and scans only to be told by one doctor "You've got a weak bladder".
I was having PSA tests every 3 or 4 years but nothing showed up. Eventually I was diagnosed with an enlarged prostate last year and prescribed Tolterodine which didn't help at all. The problems actually got worse. Double voiding became quadruple voiding and I hit a record of 6 times one night although mostly it was 2 or 3.
I was referred to a urologist in April 2022. I got an email from them 6 months later apologising for the delay and did I still want an appointment. I replied that I did but I still hadn't heard by April this year. I contacted them again and they said the average wait was 80 weeks which meant I wouldn't see anyone until the end of this year.
I asked for another PSA test and was surprised to be referred to a doctor (not mine) who asked why. I explained my problems (even though they must have had the details) and a test was agreed.
I've just had a call from the doctor to say my PSA was 6.45 and I was being referred under the Two Week Referral System.
So two points.
1) If I hadn't asked for a PSA test I would have probably not had another one until I see the urologist. Time for screening?
2) Although I think it will be longer than two weeks before I see anyone what can I expect when I go?
The doctor said an examination, and possibly a scan and/or a biopsy.
I know that it may all turn out ok but any advice would be very welcome.