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Enzalutamide / Abiraterone / Radiotherapy / chemotherapy - experience?

Posted 13 Aug 2023 at 19:27

I  shall be starting on one in a few day for metastatic prostate->bone cancer on NHS in a London hospital. 


Grateful to hear from anyone with experience.

Posted 18 Aug 2023 at 05:47

Hello , I it very difficult to understand but i also face the same situation , i wanna tell you :

Starting treatment soon, metastatic prostate to bone,
NHS London, a journey where strength is shown.
Seeking insights from those who've walked this path,
Their stories, wisdom, a guide through the aftermath.

Grateful for any shared experience you can share, Myjdfaccount
A beacon of hope, a light in the medical care.
Your words may offer comfort, guidance, and more,
As I step into this battle, a survivor at the core.


I hope you satisfied with this i always with you thank you.

Posted 18 Aug 2023 at 12:02
Bicalutamide / Enzalutamide / Abiraterone / and the more invasive Docetaxel try to chemically inhibit further division and growth of metasttic cancer cells but do not roll back entrenched cancer tissue, which in the case of pelvic and vertebrae metastasis threaten to impinge on spinal chord nerve fibres causing terminal disaster.

Radiotherapy employing a focused beam of high-energy X-rays can zap with pinpoint accuracy the cancer tissye identified by MRI -- provide the patient does not move during irradiation.

See : https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=radiotherapy+and+collateral+damage+to+non-cancerous+body+tissues&sca_esv=558074753&sxsrf=AB5stBhCXehOWLDZ2q3hz4TfrPhk829gAg%3A1692352538278&source=hp&ei=GkDfZLD2DvaahbIPsJ2A8Ak&iflsig=AD69kcEAAAAAZN9OKg6aQmab_nFlQJ82hz9zK3Pv7Rgd&oq=&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6IgAqAggCMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIxjqAhgnMgcQIxjqAhgnSMInUABYAHABeACQAQCYAQCgAQCqAQC4AQHIAQCoAgo&sclient=gws-wiz

"Radiation therapy kills cancer cells that are dividing, but it also affects dividing cells of normal tissues. The damage to normal cells causes unwanted side effects. Radiation therapy is always a balance between destroying the cancer cells and minimizing damage to the normal cells."

Alarming is the known fact that effects of collateral damage continue to come in months, years and decades after damage. I have consented to radiotherapy on pelvic/spine area as mine is a choice between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea. Luckily for me radiotherapy does not fall in the neck/head area.

I believe in London radiotherapy is offered only at Ch. X. Maybe i shall urge my surgeon to limit first-time irradiation to the minimum degree necessary. Firsthand experience willl be much appreciated -- if preferred via private message.

Posted 21 Aug 2023 at 18:25
More viewpoints and experience sharing is available from the website of Pelvic Radiation Disease Association - www.PRDA.com
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